Members Services
Each year SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative sponsors the ‘Youth to Washington’ program. The program is open to any high school junior or senior providing they haven’t participated in the tour previously. Two high school students are selected to attend the Youth to Washington program each year in June. The two winners of the Youth to Washington […]
As your local air ambulance, serving area residents from our surrounding bases, Air Evac Lifeteam un-derstands the critical aspect of time in treating medical emergencies. For those of us living in rural America, our recovery can depend on how much time it takes to be transported to emergency medical treatment. Air Evac Lifeteam can cut […]
A sound vegetation management program is essential to ensure our members with reliable energy solutions. As Cooperative members and owners, you can help us maximize the use of your money and improve your electric service by participating in our “Swap a Tree” program. The “Swap a Tree” program has been enhanced to allow members an […]
Attention Local Teachers! Apply for your 2024/2025 Touchstone Energy Classroom Empowerment Grants Does your school or classroom need new materials? Can your students benefit from new programs and educational resources? We thought so. SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative is once again coordinating this grant program with Touchstone Energy for our local teachers and administrators. The grants will […]
NEWS RELEASE FROM:SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative, Inc.Dustin D. Tripp, President/CEO100 Cooperative Way, P.O. Box 1001Carrier Mills, IL 62917Phone: 618-273-2611 For Immediate Release:September 19, 2024 Seventeen 2025 IEC Memorial Scholarships Available SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative’s President/CEO, Dustin Tripp has announced that the Illinois electric cooperatives will award seventeen scholarships in 2025. Sixteen academic scholarships are available […]
Your Cooperative utilizes solid-state metering technology which offers numerous advantages over the former electromechanical (rotating disc) meters. The newer solid-state meters provide more accurate measurement of energy use and do not require calibration like the electromechanical meters. In addition, the solid-state meters also contain an additional module that allows your Cooperative to automatically read the […]
As part of continuing efforts to provide quality products and services, SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative can provide members and non-members with the best electric water heater on the market. The Marathon electric water heater is a seamless polybutylene plastic tank, which is guaranteed not to leak or rust for as long as you own your […]