President's column

Ice Storm Recap The year 2025 will long be remembered for the ice storm that plagued most of Southern Illinois with some areas recording over one inch of ice.  The winter storm, officially named Winter Storm Blair, brought significant amounts of freezing rain and ice on January 5th and followed that with an arctic blast […]

Vegetation Management One of the many advantages of living in Southern Illinois is the beauty of this area including the Shawnee National Forrest and the great variety of trees and vegetation that grow throughout the region.  Although your Cooperative realizes the significance of this important natural resource and are advocates for retaining as many local […]

Metering System Replacement I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  As we begin the New Year, I would like to take this time to briefly reflect on the year 2024 and summarize your Cooperative’s plans for the year 2025. In 2024, your Cooperative experienced more significant storms and […]

Capital Credits Retirement Checks As the electric utility industry continues to evolve, face continual change and explore different ways to serve customers, we can all be proud that we are part of the electric cooperative program.  Electric cooperatives have a very unique business model that has proven to benefit cooperative members and has stood the […]

We’re Thankful for Your Membership Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and be grateful.  We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude for your membership in our electric cooperative. This space is normally utilized to provide updates on industry developments and report on the progress of ongoing initiatives.  However, during this season […]

Cooperative Month Since 1964, October has been designated as National Cooperative Month, providing cooperatives with an opportunity to explain the cooperative difference to their members.  In this month’s article, I would like to explain some of the cooperative differences and how it benefits all of us as cooperative members. As the electric utility industry continues […]

Annual Meeting Recap SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative held its’ 85th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 with 912 members registered and approximately 1,200 in total attendance. For those of you who were unable to attend your Cooperative’s annual meeting, this article will summarize the report members received at the annual meeting. Your Cooperative invested […]

Touchstone SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative which means your Cooperative is part of an alliance of more than 700 cooperatives in 46 states that collectively deliver energy solutions to more than 30 million members every day.  Touchstone Energy Cooperatives own and operate transmission and distributions systems consisting of over 2.6 million […]

Annual Meeting SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative is very pleased to announce that it will be holding its 85th  Annual Member’s Meeting on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 at the Little Chapel Church (located approximately 3 ½ miles north of Harrisburg on Route 34).  Members who attend the annual meeting will receive a $25 credit on their […]

Bill Pay Options The digital age of communication and automation has provided some opportunities for all of us to simplify some of the routine and ordinary tasks that we perform on a monthly basis.  One example of this is the various methods that are available for members to pay their monthly electric bill.  Your Cooperative […]

As mentioned in previous articles, your electric cooperative operates and maintains a comprehensive distribution system that consists of a network of 35 transmission to distribution substations, over 3,400 miles of distribution line that stretches across all or parts of 10 counties in southeastern Illinois to bring electricity to over 24,000 accounts in the rural areas.  […]

As you know, the Cooperative’s service area, in the past, has experienced some major storms including ice storms, tornadoes, excessive straight-line winds and severe thunderstorms.  These storms typically result in outages caused by downed trees, broken tree limbs and fallen poles.  In this article, I would like to take an opportunity to express my sincere […]

Grant Opportunities SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative is very proud to be one of a number of businesses in our area that remain locally owned, locally governed and locally operated for the past 86 years in Southern Illinois. Our Cooperative embraces improving the quality of life in the communities that it serves. Your Cooperative remains committed […]

Vegetation Management One of the many advantages of living in Southern Illinois is the beauty of this area including the Shawnee National Forrest and the great variety of trees and vegetation that grow throughout the region.  Although your Cooperative realizes the significance of this important natural resource and are advocates for retaining as many local […]

Wholesale Electricity Generation Costs Are Increasing I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  As we begin the New Year, I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on some of the significant events that have occurred in the energy industry over the past few years and how that […]

Capital Credits Retirement Checks As the electric utility industry continues to evolve, face continual change and explore different ways to serve customers, we can all be proud that we are part of the electric cooperative program.  Electric cooperatives have a very unique business model that has proven to benefit cooperative members and has stood the […]

At the 84th Annual Meeting in August and again in this President’s Column in the September issue, your Cooperative began informing members of the need to increase retail rates this Fall back to the approximate same retail rate level as the year 2020.  This article is will provide more information regarding the retail rate change […]

Cooperative Month Since 1964, October has been designated as National Cooperative Month, providing cooperatives with an opportunity to explain the cooperative difference to their members.  In this month’s article, I would like to explain some of the cooperative differences and how it benefits all of us as cooperative members. As the electric utility industry continues […]

Annual Meeting Recap SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative held its’ 84th Annual Meeting on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 with 881 members registered and approximately 1,200 in total attendance. For those of you who were unable to attend your Cooperative’s annual meeting, this article will summarize the report members received at the annual meeting. Your Cooperative invested […]

Touchstone Energy Cooperative SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative which means your Cooperative is part of an alliance of more than 700 cooperatives in 45 states that collectively deliver energy solutions to more than 30 million members every day.  Touchstone Energy Cooperatives own and operate transmission and distributions systems consisting of over […]

Annual Meeting SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative is very pleased to announce that it will be holding its 84th  Annual Member’s Meeting on Tuesday, August 1st , 2023 at the Little Chapel Church (located approximately 3 ½ miles north of Harrisburg on Route 34).  Members who attend the annual meeting will receive a $25 credit on […]

SmartHub Details SmartHub is the name of a communications tool that was implemented for member’s use, providing more information than ever before on your computer, smart phone or tablet.  SmartHub allows quick and easy access to perform functions including view your bill, pay your bill, schedule a future payment, review past payments, receive bill reminders, […]

Local Scholarships SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative is very proud to be one of a number of businesses in our area that remain locally owned, locally governed and locally operated for the past 85 years in Southern Illinois. Our Cooperative embraces improving the quality of life in the communities that it serves. Your Cooperative remains committed […]

Cooperative Success As you know, the Cooperative’s service area, in the past, has experienced some major storms including ice storms, tornadoes, excessive straight-line winds and severe thunderstorms.  These storms typically result in outages caused by downed trees, broken tree limbs and fallen poles.  In this article, I would like to take an opportunity to express […]

Bill Pay Options The digital age of communication and automation has provided some opportunities for all of us to simplify some of the routine and ordinary tasks that we perform on a monthly basis.  One example of this is the various methods that are available for members to pay their monthly electric bill.  Your Cooperative […]

Vegetation Management One of the many advantages of living in Southern Illinois is the beauty of this area including the Shawnee National Forrest and the great variety of trees and vegetation that grow throughout the region.  Although your Cooperative realizes the significance of this important natural resource and are advocates for retaining as many local […]

Wholesale Electricity Generation Costs Are Increasing I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  As we begin the New Year, I wanted to take this opportunity to review some of the significant events that have occurred in the energy industry over the past few years and how that will […]