July 2024

Dustin Tripp

Annual Meeting

SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative is very pleased to announce that it will be holding its 85th  Annual Member’s Meeting on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024 at the Little Chapel Church (located approximately 3 ½ miles north of Harrisburg on Route 34). 

Members who attend the annual meeting will receive a $25 credit on their power bill, receive an attendance prize and be eligible to have their name drawn for a number of prizes, including the chance to win one of four $250 cash awards. Children under the age of 13 are eligible to register for and possibly win one of ten gift certificates with a value of $25 each. There will also be a grand prize drawing for a girl and boys bike.

Entertainment and registration will begin at 6:00 p.m and the business session begins at 7:00 p.m. During the business session, members will learn about the Cooperative’s past year of operation and the ways your Cooperative is working to improve the service provided while keeping rates as competitive as possible. In addition, they will be able to participate in the process of selecting four individuals to serve on the Cooperative’s Board of Trustees.

As all of you know, the energy industry has been experiencing significant changes.  New technologies, public policy and new regulations are creating significant changes in the electric generation industry and the impact of these changes are important to all of us as energy consumers.  Please attend your annual meeting to find out more about your Cooperative’s operations and our commitment to provide members with a reliable and cost-effective energy supply. Please accept this invitation to attend the 85h Annual Meeting of SouthEastern Illinois Electric Cooperative and learn more about the business that you own.

See you next month and as always, “We’ll keep the lights on for you.”